I’m a wife, momma, animal lover, people-person (on a good day) and I love a good DIY project!
I’m also a psychologist and private practice owner in San Jose, California.

One of the biggest reasons why I love private practice is the freedom I have to prioritize what matters most to me. In this season, I’m at home with my daughter almost full-time. I work part-time, set my own schedule, and still pay the bills.
But it didn’t always look like this. When I got started in private practice in 2012, I had no idea how to properly launch a practice or how to help potential clients find me. I didn’t know what I didn’t know, so I wound up just trying anything and everything to try to make it work (including snail mail flyers, yikes!).
Most of what I tried was an epic fail,and it took a couple of years before I really got my practice off the ground. It still was a couple more years after that before I understood what systems were working and where I was just wasting time or money.
Ultimately, it worked out and I eventually arrived at a sense of balance. But as I saw friends and colleagues launch their own practices and hit the same hiccups as I did, I felt frustrated by how ill-prepared most of us are to be successful from the get go.
Why do we need to reinvent the wheel and start from scratch when we’re starting out? Why do so many therapists have to wade through years of trial and error before being successful in private practice, or worse, ditch their practice because it wasn’t what they hoped it would be?
So while on vacation in 2018,
after a restless night of tossing and turning, the entire concept for Private Practice Skills downloaded into my brain at 4:00am. I hopped out of bed, opened my laptop, and bought the domain name.
I was determined to teach other therapists the tools I learned the hard way to start and grow a private practice, so that it could be easier for everyone else.
The rest is history. My favorite part of Private Practice Skills is hearing the stories of transformation from fellow therapists and people like you – that with the tools I share here, it’s possible for people to start, grow, or reboot their practice. Or that the tools I offer help to create that boost of confidence needed to take that leap into private practice.
Hearing stories like these is so rewarding and keeps me excitedly moving forward.
Here are some resources to help you build your Private Practice:
- Free Step-by-Step Guide: Starting a Private Practice in Counseling Checklist
- The blog is great to find help with a specific category of private practice.
- If you need help getting your website found in search results, check out my course: How to DIY a Therapist Website that Fills your Practice.
- If you’re not sure where to start, check out My videos for help with all things private practice.
Send me a message on my contact page. I’d love to hear from you!
You can also follow me on:
Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.